Tuesday, September 4, 2007

eraser stamps

surprisingly easy...adult carves block erasers with a craft knife

kids cover cardstock or paper with colorful markers, any design

Stamp eraser in black ink from ordinary inkpad in rows across the paper. Use for greeting cards, stationary, collage material, anything!

Monday, September 3, 2007

almost fall

"Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand this not knowing has its charms."
Joe Fox in You've Got Mail, 1998.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

backyard studio

Here is a tour of my tiny cottage studio.

make art

Making art with children leaves me feeling both energized and content. Observing open minds with the willingness to dive wholeheartedly into any task is inspiring. Put that together with a beautiful environment and great music and you have a group energy that fills any space with a dynamic, creative buzz. I am so fortunate to do what I love.

Summer in Williamstown

My husband and I spent wonderful days in Western Mass. The Williamstown Theater Festival was excellent as was the cozy cottage we rented. This is a shot of the babbling brook in the backyard. Paradise... green hills, small farms, and an amazing brunch experience at Blantyre in Lenox. There are no words to describe this boutique hotel with the most extraordinary setting and view.

kids LOVE tickets

A wonderful art project for kids and adults invented by one of my mentors, Pacific Oaks Professor L. Garf. Rolls of tickets from the office supply store, scotch tape, and scissors. That's it! You wouldn't believe what my fellow students created...

Camera Ready!

Our house was dolled up and dressed to the nines with fake baby roses and a white picket fence for an NBC sitcom pilot that was shot, but never aired. They left us the trellis so that we could grow our own pink roses.